Alicia Page - Professional Guardian - Ocala Florida

Alicia Page - Professional Guardian

Hi - I'm Alicia, a professional guardian and fiduciary severing Marion, Levy, and Alachua counties since the fall of 2015. I am a Florida native and graduate of Jacksonville University. Before becoming a guardian, I have had a wide variety of jobs and interests. Originally I was an insurance agent specializing in small group and individual health coverage. In 1995, my husband and I took 6 years off to manage a one boat sailing charter company in the Eastern Caribbean. Returning stateside in 2001, my career moved into the legal field where I have managed the office for a sole practitioner and worked as a bankruptcy paralegal. I am known for common sense, skill in handling people of all backgrounds and working through difficult situations. I enjoy working with people and making situations better. My interest in guardianship began with assisting with family issues involving dementia and other reoccurring medical problems. In addition to providing services as a guardian, I also serve as Power of Attorney and Healthcare Surrogate for clients who still maintain capacity and assist managing finances and basically working as a personal assistant for the client and their family as needed. I also work as a fiduciary acting as Trustee, VA fiduciary and personal representative. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Consultations are always free. 352-322-7677