Arrow Historic Hotel and Pub - Broken Bow Nebraska

The Haunted Arrow Historic Hotel and Pub

The History
The Historic Arrow Hotel was built on 1928 by a group of private citizens to service the needs of the railroad. It replaced the old Commercial Hotel, and was the first three-story building in Broken Bow. The street-level consisted of the lobby, restaurant,  beauty salon, barbershop, ladies dress shop and a ballroom. The second and third floors held fifty-two sleeping rooms with public baths at the end of the halls. 

In 1984, after years of disrepair, Ray Brown, who had been a boy at the time the hotel was erected, had a vision of renovating the structure to extend its future. He convinced other community members to join his effort to raise renovation funds. The original seventy-two rooms were converted into twenty-three apartments to be marketed to retirees. 

When this idea did not prove successful, the investors decided to return the business back to a hotel with the apartments becoming suites. The barbershop became a small meeting room, the dress shop was converted into a convention room, and the beauty salon became a small bar. The beauty salon was then moved into a portion of the old ballroom where it still remains today. 

In 2005 another group of investors joined Ray Brown again to do additional renovation. This time the main concentration was on the street-level of the building. The vision of the new owners was to invoke a traditional western hotel motif and traditional copper tile ceiling. The front desk is reminiscent of the original 1928 era with columns and granite top. The exterior was returned to its vintage look as well with an awning and lantern-style lighting. 

The Hauntings

There have been many strange reports of paranormal activity in the hotel, which is still in operation. One of the former owners is said to have died in the hotel, and some individuals have seen his apparition traveling the stairs to the kitchen. Unexplained noises have been reported by staff and guests. Much of walking around in the building occurs after closing hours, but upon investigating have found no one there. Apparitions of a ghostly grey-haired man, a red-haired woman, and a mysterious man who stays in the cigar room have all been reported by numerous guests and staff members. 

The former owner who passed away in the hotel has been seen walking up and down the stairs to the kitchen. Furniture moves around by itself and guests and staff have reported hearing strange booms late at night when there is no one around. Another reported apparition is a red-haired woman who has been seen by guests and staff in an upstairs hallway. Rumors have it she was a witch that was murdered and buried in a nearby cemetery.

This gorgeous hotel is a must-visit when you are in the area, whether or not you're a paranormal enthusiast.

Arrow Historic Hotel
509 S 9th Avenue
Broken Bow, Nebraska 68822

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