About the location they explore....
Kansas boasts perhaps the richest history of any region on the Great Plains. It is a history that is troubled, violent and bloody... giving rise to legends and tales of ghosts! Ghost Tours of Kansas reveals these stories, offering a wide menu of tours in Kansas. These include Abilene, Atchison, Downtown Topeka, Holton, Kansas City, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Manhatta, North Topeka, St. Jo Mo, Shawnee, West Topeka and Wichita.
About the Touring Group..
Ghost Tours of Kansas offers some walking tours, but mainly offer bus tours so wider range of haunted sites are covered. Those bus tours last between 90 minutes and two hours and are via a charter bus. Ghost TOurs of Kansas also hosts other paranormal events such as dinner with a psychic, kids paranormal camps, conferences and paranormal investigations. Additional events are listed on the website.Visit their website for a description of all their Ghost Tours and events!
The cost of those tours are $20 year-round other than in October.
October prices are $22 per person.
Private tours are available for bus tours as well as walking tours.
The Schedule
Visit their website and pick your choice from the ghost tours heading
and look at all available dates or book your own
private walking ghost tour with a minimum
of 5 people and maximum of 40 people.
Schedule Differs. Please see Website or call group.
They offer walking tours and tours guided by vehicles.
Confirm the information posted here.
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