This is the Place Heritage Park - Salt Lake City Utah

The Haunted Old Deseret (Heritage) Park (Now called "This is the Place Heritage Park")

The History

The buildings were part of the original colony established by Brigham Young, who led Mormons west after their leader, Joseph Smith, was murdered by an Illinois mob in 1844. The building was moved to it's current location. The house was taken over by his 19th wife, Ann Eliza Webb. Before Brigham Young's Forest Farmhouse was moved to the historical park, his ghost haunted his residence for fifteen years. After Ann Eliza divorced Young, she toured the country denouncing him and the Mormon Church. 

The Hauntings
Visitors and guides at this historical settlement have reported dozens of ghostly encounters in recent years. Mrs. Eliza's petite apparition, dressed in black, is still seen peering out of the dining room window of the house. Mary Fielding Smith's apparition has been observed many times standing in the doorway of Smith House. Sometimes Mrs. Smith is seen wagging her finger angrily, perhaps because her house was set facing the wrong way when it was moved to the park. At nearby Jewkes-Draper Home, the ghostly sounds of children at a party are heard.


During the Halloween season, they offer an attraction called "Haunted Village". At "This Is The Place Heritage Park" this attraction is where visitors can experience an entire village of hair raising haunts! All the itchy fingers are waiting for the dark of the park. Throughout October their creepy houses, shadowy streets and assorted spooks will give you a skin crawling, goose bump filled haunting experience! This Is The Scary Place For Everyone and a haunting you'll never forget! Bring your friends and join us for a goose-bump filled haunting experience!

Cost is $20/person.

This is the Place Heritage Park
2601 Sunnyside Ave South
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

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