Frank Konciewicz ~ March 2015

Posted at 10:59 am on 02/27/2015

Where are you from?  Your profession?  I am a retired Project Engineer/ Project Manager from Birmingham Alabama.

Where is your favorite place to paddle?  My kayaking phase began in 2008 with an article appearing in the Birmingham News regarding the Paddle Florida's inaugural Suwannee River trip.  Since then I have enjoyed about a dozen Paddle Florida trips.  I would have a difficult time selecting a favorite.  I liked the beauty of the Ichetucknee and Santa Fe Rivers, the wildlife on the Peace River, and the thrill of paddling island to island in the Keys. 

What’s the most memorable thing that’s ever happened to you on a paddling trip?   The fantastic lightning display from inside my tent during last years Ochlocknee paddle.

What keeps you coming back?  I enjoy our trips because of the beauty of the rivers and getting back each trip with the friends I have made over the past seven years.  Paddle Florida trips are well planned and  can be enjoyed by people of varying skill and experience levels

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