Suzanne Gauthier ~ September 2016

Posted at 10:45 am on 08/29/2016

Where are you from? Your profession?  I am originally from Montreal, Canada, and now live in Melrose, Florida.  I am a retired RN.


When and how did you become interested in paddling?   I have always been a water baby. I became interested in paddling when I saw a friend's kayak 33 years ago and was severely bitten by that kayak bug.


Where is your favorite place to paddle?  That's a hard one to answer.  The Keys, the “Chaz” (Florida’s Chassahowitzka River).  So many!

What’s the most interesting thing that ever happened to you on a paddling trip?  On one of Paddle Florida’s Keys trips, paddling beside the Seven Mile Bridge…a giant manta ray leaped up out of the water right beside my boat and splashed me. My heart skipped a beat!


How many Paddle Florida trips have you gone on and to where?  Two Florida Keys Challenges and the Great Calusa Blueway trip last February.  I am hoping to go on the Suwannee trip this October!


Can you describe a highlight from a Paddle Florida trip?   My highlight on these trips is the adventure and comradery of so many interesting folks from all over.


What advice do you have for folks considering a Paddle Florida trip?   DO IT!!!

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