Ocoos Websites for Insurance Agents

Professionally built insurance agent optimized websites with built-in mobile, contact management, scheduling, CRM, advertising optimization and even integration with brand quoting engines.

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Challenge: Gaining Clients

The Internet is critical to drive business.

  • Build Awareness: search and mobile optimized website
  • Drive Engagement: high definition graphics and copy
  • Exude professionalism and trustworthiness

Optimizing customer interaction

  • Contact management
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Customer interaction notes (CRM)
  • Advertising optimization

Problems with Current Solutions

Local Developer:

  • Variable quality, customer service, and competence
  • Rare developer knows design, eComm, security, servers
  • High costs and risk of developer going out of business

Do It Yourself (DIY) Tools:

  • DIY is hard. Most insurance agents are not experts in:
    • Design: Its not easy to optimize for user behavior
    • eCommerce: Connecting to merchant accounts
    • Server Scaling: Do you know how to backup your site?
    • Security: Ex. The latest Russian hacking incident.

  • DIY is not free. Costs include:
    • Your time (bank on 7-10 hours minimum)
    • eCommerce: Connecting to merchant accounts
    • Up-selling by DIY makers


We Build Your Website and Help Manage Operations

Key Features:

  • Attractive website optimized for mobile platforms and search (SEO).
  • Easy ability to manage contacts, pipeline, quoting engines.
  • Ability to easily measure effectiveness of advertising channels.
  • No need to manage hosting, domains, browsers, and devices.
  • Built-in Business-to-Business co-marketing (enables referrals).
  • Concierge set-up with direct control by customer.

Your business website is important...
That's why we're providing a professional solution at an affordable price!