Data mining and Analytics: Yes, this applies to you ! Sales Growth Techniques for Pet Groomers

08/01/2013 13:29 PM
Total Views: 26762

Anyone watching the NFL on TV has seen IBM commercials touting the importance of web analytics and data mining.  However most Pet Grooming businesses do not know exactly what these words mean and how these techniques can help their business.  Let’s start with explaining the terms:

  • Web Analytics: Tracking the traffic coming to your website and studying it to determine areas of consumer interest.

  • Data Mining: Analyzing current customer information to generate more business from existing customers.

In the past, while companies such as IBM built very large, complex and expensive software for enterprise users, these programs were not available (COST PROHIBITIVE?) for pet grooming businesses. But with the availability of state-of-art platforms such as Ocoos, these powerful techniques are available for all pet grooming businesses at minimal cost in terms of cash ($25/month) and time (5-10 minutes for setup). How can the Pet Groomers use these capabilities?

  1. Web Analytics: Pet Groomers can answer two questions with this capability:

    • What is the interest level of customers to my various offerings?

    • What is the impact of external advertising to my website traffic?

  2. Data Mining: The key insight driving this capability is that retaining or upgrading a customer is an order-of-magnitude less costly than obtaining a new customer.  With this capability, Pet Groomers can mine their current customer base to determine the appropriate timeframe for reengagement or potential for engaging with other services (e.g. supplements, pet supplies, e.g.) . An example might be to approach pet owners with recommendations for pet hygiene or nutrition supplements.

Taken together, these two capabilities are incredibly powerful tools to gaining understanding of the business and driving new business.

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