Massage Therapist Tips for Building Good Client Relationships

07/22/2013 00:25 AM
Total Views: 28275
Massage marketing tips to build quality, long-lasting professional relationships to grow your massage business and grow your income!

First of all, I'm being a bit sneaky here. You clicked on a link looking for information on how to build relationships for your massage therapy business...

...but I'm NOT going to be writing about how to build relationships.

Let's rename this...

...The Secret of Developing Relationships!

Here's the first in a long list of massage marketing tips for you...

Relationship building and developing a relationship are two different things!

Let me make the distinction. Relationship building is about creating that initial relationship. For example, when you go to a tradeshow and meet people, you are building relationships.

You are probably good... or even great at building relationships. Most therapists are.

But most therapists and most spas are not good at developing these relationships.

Let me ask you, how many prospective clients have you met over the years that you haven't connected with in a while. How many of your clients have you not spoken to in a while. If you're like most therapists, that list is really, Really, REALLY long...

...probably a few hundred or if you've been around for a while, maybe it's a few thousand.

Developing relationships is about going deeper into the relationship. It's about harnessing the full potential of each relationship. It's what you do after you meet a client for the first couple of massage sessions.

When you don't develop relationships, you'll have some serious problems...Problems that are not really obvious. Let's touch on just a few areas you'll be missing out on and a few more massage marketing tips:

Your relationships will fade away! The only software you need for managing your business and building client relationships! Start now!