Merit Badge Requirements
Camping... Cooking Out... Knot Tying... Swimming... Horse Back Riding... Hiking!
Earning Merit Badges is Great!
Boys Scouts is an amazing opportunity for boys to learn, and earn badges! Merit badges are awarded for skills and knowledge learned about camping, sports, crafts, science, trades, future careers, business, swimming, hiking, knot tying, and so much more! There are over 130 merit badges that boys can earn, and they can earn them at any time, regardless of their rank!
So.... where do you start?
- Pick the Badge you want to earn.
- Talk to your Scoutmaster about earning the badge.
- Read about the requirements for earning the badge.
- Your Scoutmaster will give you a signed merit badge application, called a "Blue Card". You will also receive the contact information of a merit badge counselor. This is someone who is skilled in the area you have chosen.
(When meeting with your merit badge counselor, you are to use the Scout Buddy System. This means you must have another person with you when you meet with the counselor.)
- Obtain the merit badge pamphlet and review it with your counselor.
- After your meeting, begin working on your badge.
- When you're ready... schedule another appointment with the merit badge counselor and show them the things you've made, that were required to earn your badge. If you've made something that is too large to take to the counselor, you can take a picture, or have an adult write about what you did.
Be ready to show that you have learned what was required for the badge!
- When the merit badge counselor sees that you've completed everything that was required to earn the badge, they will sign your blue card.
- Take the blue card to your Scoutmaster, and you will receive your merit badge!
- Wear it proudly on your uniform.... You've earned it!
Merit Badge Requirements