Top 3 Reasons to Remodel Your Bathroom

Posted at 3:53 pm on 05/22/2014 by Petes Plumbing
Fall is settling in to the Louisville, KY area faster than we care to admit and with that the holidays are creeping up as well. As you prepare to have holiday parties and family members staying with you, you may be rethinking how you use the space in your home and what you can do to make it more efficient. One of the most popular home renovations is a bathroom remodel and believe it or not, it’s not always an expensive construction project. There are a lot of reasons people choose to remodel their bathrooms. The top three most popular reasons Louisville, KY homeowners gave us are:

1.  Invest in the future of your home: A bathroom remodel has the potential to yield a 60 percent return on investment if you’re planning on selling you home in the future. Not only will you get to enjoy a more luxurious space, you may also reap the benefits of more cash when you sell your home.

2. Improve space and efficiency: Think about the space and design of your bathroom.  Could you replace those old boring faucets with newer trendier fixtures?  Are you tired of your old tub, sink or shower?  Fixture updates are a great way to make improvements to your bathroom without breaking the bank. Updating cracked or failing fixtures can also help save you money by preventing water leakage!  That’s a nice bonus!

3. Remove mold and mildew:  Bathroom remodeling, in addition to everything else, will help eliminate embarrassing and unhealthy mold and mildew from your bathroom. Removing mold and mildew makes your bathroom (and entire home) a more livable space that is clean and healthy for you, your family, and your guests.

AAA Plumbing Doctor has been designing plumbing renovations and fitting new bathrooms for almost 15 years.  We understand that you more than likely have a budget, so we present all of our customers with straightforward pricing options.

Our licensed plumbers will work with you throughout the renovation process ensuring that you and your family are satisfied with the improved results.  As always, we work in a timely manner. If you’ve been thinking about remodeling a bathroom in Louisville, KY or Southern Indiana give us a call today.

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