Pastor Sal Davi
God chose to bring Sal into the world on January 17, 1936 in New York City, NY.. He was the son of an Italian emigrant. He was baptized, and grew up as a Catholic. He has loved the Lord from his youth and served his church as an alter boy for 6 years until graduation from high school.
He attended Clarkson University and in his second year Vatican 2 was announced. It was a shock to Sal because he had always been taught that the Catholic Church was the same from its beginning and would never change. Vatican 2 was an enormous change to say the least. It took some time before he became used to the new liturgy.
While in college Sal met Gail and they became good friends. Little did anyone know at that time that Sal would marry Gail on August 20, 1960, two years after college graduation. They have three children and seven grandchildren and have just completed their 54th year of marriage.
In the 1980's there was a charismatic ripple running through the structure of the Catholic Church. One Sunday morning the priest announced that 3 nuns were present and they were going to hold a meeting about salvation in the church basement after mass. Sal attended that meeting and at the invitation he went forward and Sal was born again. Praise God!
Shortly after that Sal found a Christian radio station and he began to listen. He found people like John Macarthur and Kenneth Hagin. That is quite a mix but not to a baby in Christ. Everything was new! Sal just let it all soak in. A good friend of Sal's decided to start a Baptist Church with another man. That man's name was Frank F Luerson and he gave Sal a brand new Open Bible; Sal's first Bible.
A career change brought Sal and Gail to Philadelphia, Penn.. Sal took the opportunity to leave the Catholic Church and he and Gail joined a very large Baptist Church in Lansdale, a suburb of Philadelphia. Finally Christian radio and the church they attended were speaking the same language. Gail and Sal were baptized on the same Sunday nite.
The next move was to Ocala, Florida after retirement. There Sal became very active in New Testament Baptist Church and was elected Deacon. The church grew rapidly and it was a unified body under God. What a joy to be a part of a blessed church. Sal also kept up with his Christian radio programs. After three years Sal approached pastor about praying for a 28 year old member of the church who had only a 20% use of his heart. Sal had just read the book of James. In chapter 5v14 he read,” Is there any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Sal suggested to the pastor that they pray over the sick man and anoint him with oil so that ,” the payer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up...” The pastor looked at Sal and said,” You mean you believe that stuff?” Sal said ,”Yes I do.” End of story for that church. Sal resigned the next week.
Kenneth Hagin became Sal's church five days a week. One day Sal returned home from work and his wife said,” I saw this preacher on television today and I think you would really like him. “ This was in the fall of 2009. Sal had time the next morning and tuned into the channel that was showing this preacher. His name was Andrew Wommack. Sal was impressed and within 5 minutes knew that what Andrew was teaching was 100% gospel and the interpretations were excellent. Sal told Gail,”This is what I have been looking for.”
In December of that year Andrew Wommack announced that his Bible College, Charis Bible College, would be offering an on line school in January 2010. There were exactly 100 students from all over the globe in the very first class and Sal was one of them. Subsequent to the first on line year, Sal attended regular Saturday classes in Orlando, FL, completing his required class work and a very super mission trip to Nicaragua in the spring of 2013.
On May 18, 2013, a well seasoned Sal graduated from Charis Bible College at the Orlando Florida campus. Sal has also served as a prayer minister for Andrew Wommack when he speaks in Orlando. God has blessed him with a fine education and excellent health so he may continue his work for the Lord.
In the Joy of the Lord,
Salvatore J Davi, Pastor