Good New's, God's Grace

Posted at 8:17 am on 09/05/2014
​Good New's, God's Grace

Dear Reader,

Have you ever wondered why some people become happy and successful and others with the same ability have to work hard all of their lives just to make ends meet? The two people I am thinking of were very much alike. They were married, had children and both were college graduates. They worked for the same company for all of their careers. One became president of the company. The other retired as the manager of a small department in the same firm. It isn't that one wanted success and the other didn't. The difference lies in what each person knew and how he made use of that knowledge.

Have you ever wondered if that's all there is? Your working days are over. You retire and grow old. You die and get buried. And that's it. Or maybe you think you have lived a good life and you heard in church that good people go to heaven when they die, so you are planning on going to heaven when you die. But when you die you wind up in hell for all of eternity. A church friend who also died a day later than you did is in heaven. What caused the different endings? The difference lies in what each person knew and how he made use of that knowledge. God is not neutral in our affairs. We either live our life  in love and obedience to Him or we are against Him.  

That is why I am writing to you and to people like you about the Good News of God's Grace found in the Bible. The whole purpose of God's Bible is to give readers knowledge, knowledge they can use to be happy and successful in this world as well as securing their place in heaven for all of eternity.     

The Bible has the perfect description of God's will for us.  As we study what God is saying through more than 60 authors, He will give us understanding that we can apply to every area of our lives. When we learn to live in line with God's Word (The Bible), we will gain the knowledge of His supernatural support and blessings (Grace). When we use that knowledge that God gives us, our lives will become more stable, we will have joy and happiness, our health will improve, our finances will improve by providing more security and a much happier life. Why is that? Because God designed us and wants to bless us with His Grace.  

All of the abundant life information we need in our lives appears in the Bible and nowhere else, but the Bible is everywhere and has been in existence for almost 2000 years. There are no updates and it will never need changing. It has been the same for all those years and this is what makes it trustworthy and dependable. Year after year, the Bible outsells every other book by a huge number of “miles”. What makes the Bible so different than any other book? It is empowered by God to bless those who love Him and study His Word. It is knowledge that if we choose to use it in our lives, it will produce peace and happiness in this life and will assure us eternal life in heaven. It is his His Grace (unmerited favor) to those who love Him.

I cannot promise you instant success if you read the Bible every day. It takes time to understand and get revelation from God's Word. But if you truly believe what God says and apply it to your life, you will find favor with God and He will give you unmerited favor (Grace).  I can promise you that if you use the knowledge that you will gain from  the study of the Bible and our sharing of Biblical experiences in our lives, we will all grow in the Grace of God. through His wonderful promises.  

Go to the partner page now and join with us in our pursuit of God's promises. It is important to note that there is no subscription price. Each week we will give a new message from the Bible designed to stimulate your growth and understanding. dWe will tell you what the knowledge means and if you study it carefully and use that knowledge in your life, you will better serve God.

We ask that you consider support of this ministry. Please find it in your heart to give what you can on a regular basis to Good News God's Grace . Please use the contribution form below.

Thank you and God Bless You.


Pastor Sal Davi

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