Good New's, God's Grace
September 5, 2014​Good New's, God's GraceDear Reader,Have you ever wondered why some people become happy and successful and others with the same ability have to work hard all of their lives just to make ends meet? The two people I am thinking of were very much alike. They were married, had children and both were college graduates. They worked for the same company for all of their careers. One became president of the company. The other retired as the manager of a small department in the same firm. It isn't that one wanted success and the other didn't. The difference lies in what each person knew and how he made use of that knowledge.Have you ever wondered if that's all there is? Your working days are over. You retire and grow old. You die and get buried. And that's it. Or maybe you think you have lived a good life and you heard in church that good people go to heaven when they die, so you are planning on going to heaven when you die. But when you die you wind up in hell for all of eternity. A...