The Villages Web Design's Newsletter

Web Templates For Small Business -- Is The Web Industry Leading You In The Wrong Direction?

November 22, 2014

The current trend in the world of website development is toward mass customization through the use of content management toolkits such as Wordpress. What do we mean by “mass customization?”  Every website is built with a different layout and functionality.  This article argues that building websites using this model is very counterproductive for the vast majority of small business firms. In fact, this approach actually impedes the generation of economic value. Why? There are three significant reasons.Read the full article, click here.   

Online Marketing For Small Business -- A Primer On Promotion And Placement

November 22, 2014

Any small business  knows that marketing is an important aspect of building the business. The core of successful strategy is to clearly build and communicate unique differentiated value. After settling on a strategy for differentiated value, the next task is to promote the company into the identified market segments.   This is an area where one can spend enormous amounts of money with little incremental benefit, but this article will show that a smart small business can infact gain significant interest by using the appropriate promotion tools.Read the full article, click here.

Mobile Becoming More Important For Small Businesses

November 22, 2014

Ninety percent of media interactions come through one of four screens (smartphone, laptop, tablet, television) while just 10 percent of media time happens through traditional channels (radio, newspaper, magazine). Moreover, mobile (smartphone and tablet) is the primary research tool for local searches as 62 percent of the U.S. mobile population owns a smartphone and 34 percent of people own a tablet, including 49 percent of college grads and 56 percent of those making more than $75,000...Read the full article, click here.

Technology Insurance For Small Businesses

November 22, 2014

When operating a small business, you now have to worry about keeping current with technology so you are connecting with your target customers effectively. Do you have the time and skills to understand and adapt to changes in technology while worrying about keeping your business running smoothly?The world of technology moves at a very rapid pace.  In just a few years, social networking and mobile devices have become critical to the success of any business. However, most small businesses built their marketing and sales infrastructure (websites, ecommerce) with no real thought towards technology obsolescence. Keeping up with these technological changes can be expensive both in time and expensive and time consuming.  As aprevious article has shown, the cottage industry of webdevelopers who have traditionally provided solutions have not helped the situation. Read the full article, click here.