Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) - Tampa Florida

Most business owners have a contact list.  Some people still use a Rolodex, other use their cell phones to manage their contact list.  It provides a way to store contact information on customers and colleagues but what if it could do more?  Think of customer relationship management software (CRM) as a contact list with some extended, very powerful functionality.  Here are a few features you will find in our CRM software, that your contact list lacking:
  • At a glance view all transactions with a specific customer
  • At a glance view all email history with a specific customer
  • Keep notes in a call log each time your customers call you
  • Keep a timeline of notes monitoring progress with specific customer
  • Segment customers based on previous transaction and build powerful marketing lists
Ocoos CRM is a better way to manage your customer base.  Increase organization, productivity and mine data to build better marketing campaigns today.

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