Mobile Website / Responsive Web Design - Tampa Florida

Ninety percent of media interactions come through one of four screens (smartphone, laptop, tablet, television) while just 10 percent of media time happens through traditional channels (radio, newspaper, magazine). Moreover, mobile (smartphone and tablet) is the primary research tool for local searches as 62 percent of the U.S. mobile population owns a smartphone and 34 percent of people own a tablet, including 49 percent of college grads and 56 percent of those making more than $75,000. These numbers will continue to climb as mobile plays an increasingly large role in the lives of consumers. 

Are you set up to handle business for the mobile consumer?  Ocoos websites come optimized for mobile devices.  Furthermore, as technology continues to change, you're covered by Ocoos Technology Insurance.  As new devices roll out, we make sure your website is compatible.

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